Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rings of Happiness: Baked Mini-Donuts

Because I've been doing my best to save as much money as I can for travel, I've been frequenting second-hand stores in town, always in search of interesting kitchen stuff.  This month, one of my favorite stores had a punch card discount deal, and, like the senior citizens who smile at me in the aisles on discount days, I knew I was in for a treat--getting an extra discount on already-discounted goodies.
Mini-Donut Rings (4)
While perusing the kitchen realm of the store earlier today, I happened upon a teeny-tiny mini-donut pan--brand new--for $0.49.  Um, yes, I will take this adorable piece of bakeware for 30% off, please.  On the way home, I thought, "Hmm...donuts aren't really so healthy, but I do have three small parties to attend this weekend, and there will be children as well as adults who love their sweets, and no one's bringing a dozen donuts, so I'll be sure to bring something unique!  Plus, they're so small--if you're only eating one, you'll be fine!"  And away with my rationale I went.  This mission was not necessarily about making something healthier, after all, but about using this new pan, right?  

After researching recipes, I decided on a very straightforward, lemon-flavored one (found here), but I changed a few things and made two versions--lemon cream and mixed berry.  For this entry, I'll do ingredients and steps together for each recipe.  As a note, please be careful with the timing on these things--they're as delicate as southern belles act, and if you overcook them, they will definitely not be delightful.

Lemon-Cream Donut Batter:
Lemon-Cream Batter 1/2 filled
1-1/4 c cake flour, sifted
1-1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 c sugar
1-2 tsp lemon zest
2 tsp lemon juice
1 egg, lightly beaten
3/4 c 35% cream
1-1/2 tbsp butter, melted

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F; lightly grease a mini-donut pan. 

2. Blend together the flour, baking powder, and salt.

3. Grind/food process the sugar, lemon juice and zest.  Add to flour mixture.

4. Add in egg, cream, and butter.  Stir until dough is uniform. 

Overbaked (at top)

Lemon-Creams cooling
5. Add into pastry bag or plastic zip bag (piping set not needed--just snip the tip!).  Pipe dough/batter into pan, filling the holes halfway.

6. Bake in oven for 5 min, 30 sec; take out to cool in pan for at least 3 min.  Cool on rack for at least 10 min. before glazing.

Lemon Glaze:
2 c powdered sugar
juice of 1 large lemon
1 tsp lemon zest
Lemon Glazed & Sprinkled
additional liquid (milk/water), if needed
rainbow sprinkles (for post-glaze)

1.  Juice the lemon, straining the seeds and pulp.  Pour the powdered sugar and zest over the juice and mix thoroughly.

2.  Let sit for at least 2 min.  If the mixture has a slightly-runny consistency, it's good to go.  If not, add a bit more lemon juice, water, or milk.  If it's too thin, add a bit more powdered sugar.

3.  Placing waxed paper under the cooling rack, dip the top face of each donut into the glaze, turning as it's removed, and set each one back in its place on the cooling rack.  Top with rainbow (or other) sprinkles if desired.

Mixed Berry Donut Batter: 
1-1/4 c cake flour, sifted
1-1/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 c sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/4 c ground frozen mixed berries, brought to room T
1/4 c 35% cream
2 tbsp butter, melted

Mixed Berry Batter
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  Lightly grease a mini-donut pan.

2. Blend together the flour, baking powder, and salt.  Mix in the sugar.

3. Add in egg, ground berries, cream, and butter.  Stir until dough is uniform. 

Mixed Berries cooling
4. Add into pastry bag or plastic zip bag (piping set not needed--just snip the tip!).  Pipe dough/batter into pan, filling the holes halfway.

5. Bake in oven for 5 min, 45 sec; take out to cool in pan for at least 3 min.  Cool on rack for at least 10 min. before glazing.

Berry-Lemon Glaze:
leftover lemon glaze
1/8 c ground mixed berries
additional powdered sugar
clear sprinkles (for post-glaze)

1.  Using the leftover lemon glaze, stir in the mixed berries.

With Berry-Lemon Glaze
2.  Add at least another 1/4 c  powdered sugar so that you have enough glaze.  If the mixture is thick, add lemon juice or a little more of the berry mixture.  If the mixture is thin, again, add more powdered sugar.

3.  Placing waxed paper under the cooling rack, dip the top face of each donut into the glaze, turning as it's removed, and set each one back in its place on the cooling rack.  Top with clear (or other) sprinkles if desired.

Again, the goal, as a healthy, balanced person, is to eat only 1 of each.  Give them away if you have to--it'll make other people smile!

All packed and ready to party.